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Monday, 14 October 2019

Stonehaven Golf Club Sponsor's Competition 2019

By Kelly McAlpine, 

And the winner is.........Dalriada Luxury Lodges!  

Following a narrow defeat into second place in 2018, the Dalriada golf team scraped a win in the Stonehaven Golf Club 2019 sponsors competition. On a dry and unusually calm day on the course, the team of four intrepid golfers from Dalriada managed to return a net score of 55.2 due to the exceptional driving skill of Kenny and some superb putting from Graham. The outcome was very close with M&M Services battling hard and coming in with a net score of 55.5. The magnificent glass trophy was presented to the winning team on the day. (As an added bonus, Bob managed to get round the entire 18 holes with the same ball for the first time this year!) We will look forward to defending the trophy in 2020.